120 cm x 40 cm. Acryl/canvas.

50 cm x 100 cm. Acryl/canvas.

100 cm x 70 cm. Acryl/canvas.

85 cm x 60 cm. Acryl/wood.

120 cm x 40 cm. Acryl/wood.

30 cm x 80 cm x 3. Acryl/canvas.

40 cm x 40 cm. Acryl, glued surface/canvas.

40 cm x 40 cm. Acryl, glued surface/canvas.
Prayer Flags
The textiles and ribbons of this painting series moving from left to right were inspired by prayer flags. The prayers of these flags will be imperishable elements of the universe: as life goes by, new lives come and Tibetians place new prayer flags next to the old ones, renewing their own hopes. This symbolises the acceptance of the cycle of life and the realisation that every being is a part of a greater cycle. The prayer flags represent peace, compassion, strength and wisdom. The prayers and mantras of the flags disseminate good will and compassion with the help of the wind.
Besides the symbols of textiles and ribbons, there is also a boat appearing, which is a symbol of carrying messages. Due to the road of the boat connecting symbolic shores, the message will reach its destination.