When designing the graphics and patterns of the wallpaper and home textiles, I took the original architectural elements of the building as a basis. My goal was to transfer and preserve the original sample set and place it in a 21st century context. Also expressing my respect to the creators and builders of the past, who made the details of the house with careful work. The graphic motif of the part visible on the wallpaper shows the design of the original stair railing.

A graphic copy of the pattern of the floor tile in the original corridor appears on the pillow cover and on one part of the wallpaper. The circular motif on the cushion cover harmonizes with the external surfaces. When designing, I was guided to connect the past and the present within a visual symbol system.

The pictures in the dining room show a detail of the facade of the house. The images are supplemented with illustrative figural elements, so their meaning is both real and abstract. Repetition of the image of the facade in the interior connects the visual world of outside and inside.

I put circular pictures in several places in the apartment. Circular pictures give off a different atmosphere than square decorations. The round shape also echoes on the textiles, but on a different scale.

The pattern of the bed scarf and bedspread harmonizes with the pillow and the picture above the bed.

In the living room, the pattern of the wallpaper between the two windows is repeated on the pillowcases, in a different proportion.

The kitchen is in the same space as the living room with dining room. The horizontal graphic motif appearing on the kitchen furniture reflects my graphic pattern on the other wall of the living room.
Palota district
The building is located in the Palota district, which is full of historicizing, eclectic style, beautiful houses. I designed wallpaper graphics and home textiles for one of the apartments of the building built at the turn of the century.
Open the GALLERY for pictures of the apartment.