Aim of the research:
To develop self-reflection of students in visual education based on an image-based self-evaluation methodology. Terminologies and graphic design of the evaluation sheets in an innovative methodology.
The evaluation sheets that I have developed for students of visual communication could contribute to the deeper understanding of creative procedures, the processing of new information and the improvement of our own artistic practices with the help of self-reflection.
Analysing the results of evaluation by teachers and students, we can reveal the difficulties of the evaluation processes and refine our methodology.
The visual evaluation methodology which is based on international research results was developed by Talita Groenendijk and Folkert Haanstra (Amsterdam School of Arts). Integrating the use of visual evaluation method that are appropriately aligned with the visual cognitive processes of the subject “Visual Culture”, it can become a useful tool in education. In my research, I am developing a tool which enables the evaluation of diverse tasks in visual culture courses – quite differently from usual assessment methodologies.
In the pdf files below, you can find information about the very research as well as the theoretical and practical background of the (self-)evaluation sheets.
2020-ELMÉLET-Vizuális értékelőlapok-Paál Zsuzsanna
(Theoretical research paper in Hungarian)
2020-GYAKORLAT-Vizuális értékelőlapok-Paál Zsuzsanna
(Practice-oriented research paper in Hungarian)
According to students’ experiences, the interconnections among different sub-tasks and the overall aim of the task were understood after filling out these evaluation sheets.
With the help of this self-reflection, students become able to identify the types of tasks they feel the most comfortable with. Underlying and unsaid problems and difficulties might also arise which could improve their professional development. Self-evaluation sheets help students to view themselves more critically and they change the unidirectional character of evaluation and the privilege of the teachers to carry out assessments. In case a teacher also fills out the form, s/he might have an interesting discourse with the students about the differences and their whys and wherefores. The self-evaluation sheets are black and white and of A/4 size so that they could be easily multiplied and printed.